Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Thursday!

Greetings from wet, windy Wellington.

Not much exciting has happened since my last post, but I figured I could scrounge something together to keep you all entertained. Besides that, I can't sleep. That's what happens when you stay in bed until noon. Having a night job really throws things off. The whole day is spent thinking, "God damnit, I've got to work tonight," and then I go to work, come home and watch a movie or TV for far too long and end up sleeping in the next day to start the whole process over again.

I actually didn't work tonight, though, since I needed the night off for the training at WestPac Stadium. It seems similar to my job at Domino's in that I'll spend most of my time standing behind a counter, taking people's orders and money in exchange for food. Unlike Domino's, however, this job actually requires a bit of skill. You see, we are legally bound to not serve alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons, as per the Major Buzzkill Act of 1989--at risk of a $2000 fine--so I'll have to carefully discern which customers are intoxicated. Finally, my college education will be put to use!

At any rate, I start this weekend, working a rugby game on Saturday and a football game on Sunday. While on the subject of jobs, I've also put in applications at an organic grocery store and The Warehouse (New Zealand's version of Wal-Mart, minus the unethical business practices and dirty stores) so hopefully I'll have something productive to do during the daytime.

I guess that's about it for this update. More of a "I'm still alive, whoopie!" update than anything, I suppose. I don't really have any pictures for you, except for this one of some odd-looking fellows I saw waiting for the bus at Courtenay Place. They seem strangely familiar...

Whoever they were, they looked pretty serious about catching the bus.

1 comment:

Uncle Mike said...

Glad to see that you're keeping up with events back home. I'm not sure why anyone would want to be president, especially in this current mess. Wet and ugly here but looks like you're having good weather.